Saturday, January 25, 2014

Concept Paragraph For CS460 Project

Concept Paragraph

The Idea

In the world today, there are many applications and devices that tell you exactly where you are in the world and very accurately.  However, none of these are able to tell you your location without a satellite.

The Proposal

Our team will create a positioning system that can tell a user their exact latitude and longitude, or can tell them where an object of interest is that is equipped with one of these devices.  It will do this by calculating solid earth tides and readings from accelerometer stations around the world, and use the results to calculate longitudes and latitudes.

The Audience

The current audience for this device is anybody that needs to find their way around, but will be especially military and international cooperation organizations since it will work in places that GPS cannot.  For example, say the United States sells a super computer to China and China has promised that it will be kept at a university and used for educational purposes.  If the computer is equipped with one of these devices, the U.S. would be able to intermittently query the device to find its position and make sure the computer is always at the university.


For this product, my team will offer updates and new technology that will make it possible to query devices in real time with no satellites.  Also, there will be updates being released to the public to expand our market and make this technology a feasible solution for that "GPS signal lost" message that is so fun to hear on a road trip.

Call to Action

Not only could this device change the way that the military locates machines and people, but it could change the way that people find their way around.  After all,  I wouldn't trust a satellite that is 1,000-22,000 miles above the earth to tell me where the nearest McDonald's is, would you?

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