Progress Report
Well today we had our team meeting with Ackley and, unfortunately, I missed it. I was working late on the project and slept through my alarm. This is the worst thing that could happen because I had a demo ready to show about what me and the team have been doing so I feel as though I let them all down. This is very unprofessional and I should have come up with a plan to ensure that this didn't happen.
On the bright side, I have successfully made a JerseyTest that calls the backend and can send JSON objects back and forth. Also, the backend is able to successfully query the database and return a JSON. Right now, the backend will spit out everything in one table and only accepts path arguments. As the front end will be making very specific queries, the team and I were thinking of sending the request as a JSON to the server using the POST method in REST so that the URI does not get too long or complicated. From what I have read, it is common practice to send large queries as POST requests so this should not be considered bad practice.
To query the database, I am making a JSON parser using Jackson to parse these large JSON queries from the front end. The trick is going to be constructing a JPQL query from the relevant information provided. This part of the project should, hopefully, be done by the weekend.
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