Monday, April 21, 2014

2nd Round Of Presentations

Overall, everyone really stepped up with their second presentations.


This group delivered a solid first presentation, but showed a lot of improvement in their second one.  I really liked how James and Alan switched between talking and shedding light on different parts of the project.  Also, the demo was much improved and really gave a great flavor as to the usefulness of their application.


This group still has a long way to go,  but they were again much better than their first performance.  It is obvious that Matt does not like presenting, but the always acts lively to get the audience involved in the presentation.  Having a demo this time really helped me stay engaged rather than just watching a video of how it worked.  The only thing I noticed was that the other Matt (running the computer) was biting his nails the entire presentation and was really distracting.  Hopefully there is a challenge on their application to help people quit nail biting.


The presentation was much more engaging since the group was presenting and not on a video the entire time.  Contrary to what Ackley said, I did not find it to be that big of a deal that the snowboarder and the application demo did not match up.  I thought it was cool just to see the numbers change while someone was snowboarding.  If the video worked smoother next time around, I really liked the direction that there presentation went.

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